$BLOCK is generated with in-game activity and grows as a function of time spent. $BLOCK generation is influenced by two factors: play time and number of staked Critterz. The equation is:

$$ \textrm{24 per day} \times \textrm{staked Critterz}+ \sqrt{\textrm{hours played} \times \textrm{staked Critterz}} \times 50 $$

Whle owning multiple staked Critterz generates more $BLOCK tokens per minute played, the multiplier scales as a square root of staked Critterz. This helps level the playing field between players, no matter the number of staked Critterz owned.

$BLOCK generation also scales as a square root of playtime. This is also done for balancing purposes between players to prevent extended game sessions from dominating $BLOCK accumulation. The playtime calculation is reset every 24 hours at 00:00 UTC. This means that for the same playtime, you’ll generate more $BLOCK by spreading out playtime over multiple days than by concentrating it in one day.

Using rented Critterz

Those who own Critterz can rent them out by transferring a staked Critterz to another wallet or listing on OpenSea. 40% of $BLOCK generated is given to the owner of the original Critterz, while 60% is given to the renter playing the game.

The amount of $BLOCK generated for renters is proportional to the following formula, depending on the number of staked Critterz in the game.

$$ (\textrm{owned} + 0.6 \times \textrm{rented}) \times \sqrt{\textrm{hours played} \times \textrm{(owned + rented)}} \times 50 $$

As an example, for a Critterz owner that rents out a single Critterz to a renter with only one Critterz, the amount of $BLOCK generated is proportional to the following formula.

$$ 0.6\sqrt{\textrm{hours played by renter}} \times 50 $$

Note that renting to renters who have an existing number of staked Critterz in their wallet will yield less $BLOCKs. We encourage renting to as many different players as possible to ensure that those who want to contribute to the Critterz community can do so.

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$BLOCK utility