Claiming Plots

Plots are purchased with $BLOCK. There is a total supply of 22,500 Plots for the Genesis Critterz collection. In order to level the playing field across players, we employed a continuous function for Plot costs, in contrast to a stepping function typically employed by most NFT projects. The formula is as follows, where n is the number of Plots previously sold:

$$ Cost=1.00004^n×1000 $$

Plot costs increases exponentially with a continuous function. The first Plot costs 1,000 $BLOCK.

Plot costs increases exponentially with a continuous function. The first Plot costs 1,000 $BLOCK.

You can get $BLOCKs by playing in-game or by providing in-game services to other players. See more about $BLOCK here. Claiming Plots this way has the added benefit of allowing you to choose a specific location to for your Plot.

<aside> 💡 Note that you do NOT need to own a Critterz to get a Plot. Plot ownership will also provide full access into the game permanently. You can get $BLOCK with Ethereum from the community-led liquidity pool to claim a Plot directly from the map.



Getting someone else's plots

You can purchase Plots that were previously claimed by other players on secondary markets. Note that their Plots have to be unstaked for you to be able to play on them. If the Plot you want to expand to doesn't have an active listing, you can always place an offer on the Plot.

<aside> 💡 You can see a listing of all Plots on our Opensea listing here. Alternatively, you can also use the map to view all unstaked Plots, some of which may be on sale. You will only be able to purchase Plots this way with Ethereum.


Next up

Teleporting to your Plots